My knight in shining armor told me he loved me! Be still my heart!
I love the way God dropped a JOY bomb smack dab in the middle of an ordinary day! This past week I volunteered at my kids school during Spirit Week. On this particular day the kids were dressed in a Kingdom theme. My son wore the silver duct tape costume I made for him last summer during our Kingdom Chronicles Vacation Bible School. He wore a crown, a duct tape tunic, plastic sword, and silver duct tape shield. I love duct tape projects!
My son saw me through the open door of the teacher workroom walked in and asked for money. But this time I was obliged to help. Mr. Hill’s bake sales are known far and wide for being the best. (Plus the money goes towards a good cause, a Spring trip to Monticello). Thanks to two previous snow days I was unprepared and all I came up with was $1.00 in coins. My knight smiled at me, crown slightly crocked, and said “Thanks Mom!” Then my knight walked back into the room and said “Hey mom” then he held up his hand and gave the sign of these numbers 1-4-3. Tears pricked my eyes. Without saying a word I motioned back 1-4-3-2.
1-4-3. This is our secret code for I-love-you. I cannot take credit for this. My friend Michelle shared this with me over a decade ago. This was something special between she and her dad. Just the two of them. I can recall standing in her kitchen of her first house when she shared that with me. I remember the way she cried because her father had just passed away. She whispered “1-4-3 Dad.”
I began speaking in code with Andrew many years ago in the height of his I-want-to-be-a-spy-stage. This stage coincided with the Mom-it’s-not-cool-to-hug-you-or-say-I-love-you-in-front-of-my-friends-stage. Thus, I borrowed 1-4-3. He loved it and so do I.
Tears spilled down my face. My knight in shining (duct tape) armor told me he loved me!
1-4-3-2 Andrew, I love you too!
I love how God turns an ordinary day into something extraordinary.1-4-3-2 Lord! All the more!
“May you and I be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” Romans 1:12