I love how God issues a “Boomerang Effect” in our lives. Until recently, I never quite understood the meaning of Ecclesiastes 11:1 “Cast your bread upon the waters and after many days you will find it again.” We live on a lake. I can tell you when the kids and I cast bread upon the water, the bread gets eaten by all the fish.
Recently, I was asked to be one of many speakers at a Women’s Retreat. What a humbling experience. Even though my insides were screaming “No, pick someone else!” I said “Yes” then silently prayed “God you’ve got to do this.” Just a few weeks prior to the retreat I wrote notes of encouragement to each of the speakers. In each individualized note, I included the same message: They enemy is going to do things to try to distract you, but don’t take your eyes off God. Do not lose focus!
In the weeks surrounding the retreat, Chris and I faced many tough situations with our work and our personal life. In addition, my car died, the garage door broke (trapping me and my car inside-later I was rescued by two neighbors), my niece was diagnosed with Autism, and my cousin’s husband, serving in Afghanistan, stepped on a land mine. My heart was already heavy from so many friends battling cancer and other illnesses. I knew I was in the midst of a spiritual battle.
While those things were distractions, I kept my focus on God. What was awesome was the Boomerange Effect. Out-of-the-blue, I received emails, text messages, phone calls, cards, Facebook messages, and hugs from friends encouraging me. See Boomerange Effect! Each of these friends encouraged me when I needed it the most. God is so awesome!
In my own translation if I combined The Boomerage Effect with Ecclesiastes 11:1 it would say something like this: Hurl a boomerange of encouragement out into the air, and after many days it will return to you.
“Give and it will be given to you…” Luke 6:38
Friends, we all need encouaragement so share a smile, a hug, and a prayer with someone today. And when you need it most it will be given to you.
“May you and I be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith!” -Romans 1:12