Written by April Dawn White
Is it just me, or do you ever have feelings of inadequacy?
It was one of those blah days. I had no reason to possess this temporary humdrum emotional state. Yet, I could not shake feelings of inadequacy in every aspect of my life: writing, marriage, parenting, career, and friendships.
“Lord, change my perspective. Bless my perspective. Amen.”
I prayed those words as I drove to my parents’ house. Meeting the school bus head on, I slowed to a stop a few feet from my parent’s driveway. Bouncing off the bus and waving enthusiastically, six-year-old Ethan yelled, “Hi, Mrs. White!”
Two more balls of energy jumped off the bus, waving and hollering “Hi!” This brother duo was hard to miss in their neon yellow shirts. It wasn’t until Finn and Ramsey turned to hug their dad that I recognized the writing on the back of the shirts:
“Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but be an example for other believers in your speech, behavior, love, faithfulness, and purity. ” (1 Timothy 4:12, ISV)
Tears spilled down my cheeks as the full weight of what I had just witnessed crossed before me.
This past summer, Andrew and Rachel hosted backyard Bible Club every Wednesday. This K2K Club was complete with lesson, games, crafts, and snack. This was completely kid run. The theme for K2K Club was “Little kids learning about a big God.” Between seven and nine kids attended each week. God abundantly blessed K2K as Andrew and Rachel led three boys, Ethan, Finn, and Ramsey to the Lord.
On the last day of K2K, Andrew and Rachel surprised the kids with neon T-shirts they helped to design.
On this particular day, I prayed for God to change and bless my perspective. As the three young boys, Andrew and Rachel led to the Lord bounced off the bus, I realized the answer to my prayer, crossed in front of my car.
“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.”
(Hebrews 10:35-36, NIV)
Within a matter of seconds, those feelings of inadequacy vanished. I had a front row seat to God’s abundant blessings.
What front row blessing have you recently received?
~April Dawn White
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