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Clouds and Rest

There is a damp chill in the air on this cloudy Autumn day. I am curled up in my favorite chair with my Grandma Bower’s tattered and faded quilt. My coffee is at my right and my bible rests in my lap. I finished my morning devotions and prayer but yet I sit. I feel God telling me to just sit still and rest. As King David said in Psalms 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.”

As I look outside I watch the dense clouds waltz across the sky. I hear the gentle pings on the window, indicating rain. Days like this are intended for pajamas, quilts, coffee and rest.  As I gaze at the clouds I am reminded of the story of Moses in the desert (Numbers 9:13-12). When Moses and the Israelites were wandering in the desert they only moved when God moved. God’s presence was represented by a physical cloud. When the cloud (God) moved, they moved. Sometimes they were camped out in an area for just a night, while other times they were camped out for a long time. Whether by day or by night, when the cloud lifted, they set out. At the Lord’s command they encamped and at the Lord’s command they set out.

“My presence will go with you and I will give you rest.” Exodus 33:14

There is a slow ascent to exit our neighborhood. The incline is so subtle that I never noticed it until I recently witnessed a beautiful phenomenon. Almost every morning in October the fog over the lake resembled a blanket of snow. It was breathtakingly beautiful. I’m sure there were many people who saw the beauty of our Creator, but I took it personally. Back in the beginning of Fall I had been camped out in the Old Testament with Moses in the desert. I found comfort in resting with God, waiting for HIM to move. The fog hovering over the lake was God’s visual reminder to me to wait, to rest, and to wait for the cloud to move.

“In all the travels whenever the cloud lifted, they would set out.” Exodus 40:36

Two months ago, I wrote about having “strength to rest.”  My husband and I are still in a period of waiting. We are waiting on uncertain decisions to be made clear.

We are waiting for the cloud to move.


“May you and I be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” Romans 1:12


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