The aroma of hazelnut liquid mercy wafts into the bedroom stirring me awake before the scheduled alarm. I smile at the thought of fresh brewed coffee and a bit of quiet before the house stirs to life.
From the kitchen cupboard, I select one of three favorite mugs. My daily mug selection is as important to the overall coffee experience as preparing the coffee the night before. I choose a mug based on how I am feeling that day.
I once heard a guest pastor say, “We don’t have to live today on yesterday’s blessings.” The pastor’s statement referred to Lamentations 3:22-24: “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
As I prepare my coffee every evening for the next morning, I praise God for His daily blessings. Tossing the used coffee grounds into the trash, I rinse the reusable coffee filter, and add dry grounds. Meanwhile, I thank God in advance for the fresh batch of mercy, compassion, and faithfulness He has already scheduled to brew on time for me tomorrow.
I am thankful I did not have to drink today’s coffee with yesterday’s coffee grounds. I am also thankful I did not have to live today on yesterday’s blessings. Our Heavenly Father brews a fresh batch of all that we need each morning.
What do you need today? I mean really need today. The need you have that no one else knows about.
Our Heavenly Father offers more than your local barista. He has already prepared fresh brewed grace today with calorie free forgiveness and a bottomless supply of do-overs. I encourage you today to pull your chair next to His and spend time with God unloading your burdens and thanking Him for the fresh daily brew.
A never ending supply of fresh brewed mercy! Oh it is well with my soul! Pardon me as I refill my mug.
~April Dawn White
*All Scripture is NIV from Bible Gateway. *Images courtesy of Pixabay.
© 2016 April Dawn White, All rights reserved