Andrew’s pockets are heavy with change and Rachel prances around with her gold dress-up purse. Smiles are plastered on our kids faces. Their mission: to spend their allowance. Always they ask, “Do I have enough? Will I get change back?” Of course this is a learning lesson on so many levels: Earn-Save-Spend their own money (emphasis on “own”.) We stand in the toy aisle, their eyes looking toward the ceiling, little fingers tapping, as they try to add on both hands whether or not they have enough money to cover the cost.
“Momma, do I have enough?” says my 6 year old in her Hello Kitty headband.
“Do I have enough too?” says my first born, a hole in his mouth where two baby teeth once occupied space.
My mind drifts…Do I have enough to cover the cost? Enough?
My mind goes to a song from church: “Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe, Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.”
I am snapped back into reality, but not before I offer a simple prayer of thanks.
“Thank you Lord for your daily provision in my life.
Thank you Lord, that I always have enough!”
Some days I sigh at the repetition of my days: pack lunches, dishes, laundry etc. Didn’t I just do this yesterday? I walked into the hall bathroom and I recognized Andrew’s 3rd grade cursive handwriting. Written on the mirror in an orange (his favorite color) dry erase pen.
“Do everything without complaining or arguing.” Philippians 2:14
My heart changes. What I once viewed as repetition, I know recognize as PRAISE! The dishes are still in the sink and in the dishwasher, and yet there are plenty more still in the cupboard!
Yes, there is laundry to clean, laundry to fold, but we all have plenty of clothes in the closet we could wear.
Even the dinner menu of left overs takes on new meaning.
Thank you Lord for the leftovers, we have more than enough!
“Saving is all His idea, and all His work. All we do is trust Him enough to let Him do it.”
Ephesidans 2:8 (The Message)
Jesus covered the cost. And Jesus is enough!