As a girl, purchasing a new frilly dress, lace embellished socks, and white patent leather shoes, was my favorite part of our Easter tradition. Easter was the one time of year when we had new clothes. The rest of the year, we wore hand-me-downs.
Growing up in the Bible belt in the south, Easter was the one Sunday when the phrase “wearing your Sunday best,” took on a completely new meaning. Boys wore a suit and tie and girls dripped in accessories, even the parents have a new outfit. If you are a woman, you probably have a new handbag and shoes to match.
The memory of my childhood Easters returned to me recently when I came across a video called “Forget the Frock”. As I watched the video, I instantly connected with the mission of this organization. This Easter, forget the frock. Instead of spending money buying new clothes this Easter, spend the money supporting missionaries and feeding orphans.
This Easter, our family will support Serving His Children.
Our family has been ministry partners with Serving His Children for years. I am excited to introduce this organization to you. Serving His Children is a non-profit organization that partners with the Ministry of Health in Uganda to treat the severely malnourished, provides health education, teaches effective agriculture methods, shares the gospel of Christ, and brings communities together.
“Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” (James 1:27, NLT)

Forget the Frock, I’m wearing a Serving His Children T-shirt this Easter.
Jesus’ ministry included caring for the sick, the widows, and orphans. This Easter our family will refocus our attention on where Christ spent his attention. This Easter we will forget the frock and support feeding the malnourished.
Will you join hundreds of others who are also choosing to forget the frock?
~April Dawn White
© 2017 April Dawn White, All rights reserved