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God’s Got Your Back

by April Dawn White

“The glory of the Lord will be your rear guard. (Isaiah 58:8, NIV)

Last Friday, I punched the time clock at 5:00 pm, eager to drive to Andrew’s post-season soccer tournament. Ten minutes into my drive along route 122, traffic came to an abrupt halt. Vehicles ahead stretched as far as my eye could see. Looking into my rear view mirror, I noticed the car behind me quickly approaching. “They’re not stopping, they’re NOT stopping, THEY’RE NOT STOPPING!” I yelled to myself.

A quick assessment of my surroundings revealed a full size truck in front of me and an embankment with no guardrail to my right. To my left, the oncoming lane was empty. I quickly prayed, “Lord, HELP!” I jerked the steering wheel hard left hoping to prevent a collision with truck in front of me. Behind me the screech of the tires echoed in my ears. I prepared for impact. Seconds before I was rear ended, the truck ahead of me pulled away without further collision. Immediately, I pulled the car over called 911.

I was rear ended. I was safe.  Thank you Lord!

Praise God the other driver was also safe. Her car crumpled like a piece of paper. Hesitantly, I peered over at my car (which I’ve owned for less than a year).  I couldn’t believe it. Her car was being towed away, while my car only had minor cosmetic damage.  

An hour later, we had documented the accident with the state police and I proceeded to the soccer tournament. As I drove, God whispered, “April, what was the message you sent yesterday?” Tears splashed down my cheeks as I remembered writing an email to the ladies in my War Room Bible Study. My email read: “We never need to worry, who’s coming up behind us, because God’s got out back. “‘Then your salvation will come like the dawn, and your wounds will quickly heal. Your godliness will lead you forward, and the glory of the Lord will protect you from behind.'” (Isaiah 58:8, NLT).”

Earlier in the week our Bible study discussed the armor of God. More specifically, we discussed that most of the armor of God is up front:

· Helmet of Salvation

· Breastplate of Righteousness

· Belt of Truth

· Shield of Faith

· Sword of the Spirit

· Shoes of the Gospel

During the time when Paul penned Ephesians 6:10-18 most battles were face-to-face combat. There was no need for full body armor.  The soldiers on the front line were supported and protected from other warriors from behind. 

The day before the accident, I prayed and shared about God being our rear guard. As I stood between our cars, I volleyed my head back and forth. My car possessed only minor cosmetic damage while her crumbled car was towed away. Thank you Lord, for being my rear guard!

Have you experienced a time of divine protection? Please share when you’ve felt God’s got your back.  ~April Dawn White

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