My friend Maria recently shared this poem with me. Today, Maria’s birthday, I am honored to share this poem with my Red Chair Moments family.
Continue reading below to discover the blessed winner of Ann Voskamp’s book and DVD study guide, The Broken Way.
What If…
by Maria Hartman
What if this Christmas our focus was on
Praising the Lord for the gift of His Son?
What if instead of songs about snowmen
Our hearts bowed in wonder at the presence of God-Man?
What if instead of the rush to buy more,
We sought out the Giver who holds eternity sure?
What if we lived like we knew He was real
And not joined with the throngs who just want to feel?
What if this King was our reason for being
Would others take notice that it’s Him they are seeing?
What if we wept with repentance and sorrow
That though He is here many wait till ‘tomorrow’?
What if we purposed, committed, and vowed
That this Jesus the Christ would be spoken out loud?
What if His children with passion anew
Chose not to compromise on what is Holy and True?
What if we wanted, more than all else on earth
To know of His suffering and not just His birth?
What if instead of just empty traditions
We treasured the Word above all other ambitions?
What if we died to the old man each day?
And cried “Holy Spirit, please have Your way!”
‘What if’s’ a question with an answer that’s clear
The world would have Hope and no reason to fear.
Our Savior HAS come, He’s LORD of all nations
Praise God Almighty, this IS the Christmas celebration.
Giveaway Winner
Last week, I posted my review and offered a giveaway of The Broken Way by Ann Voskamp.
Congratulations to Noelle A, the winner of a free copy of The Broken Way and DVD study guide! I will be in touch.
Abundant blessings to you!
~April Dawn White
© 2016 April Dawn White, All rights reserved