Hi neighbor! Thank you for returning to Red Chair Moments. This week, I did something I don’t usually do; I looked at the audience of Red Chair Moments. The reason I rarely access the statistics page of the blog, is because I don’t want to get caught up in the numbers. Red Chair Moments is not about me, it’s about my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. My goal for Red Chair is to encourage you in your walk of faith and point to God in my own journey.
I wept as I read each country and current total count read from that location. I began to pray for each country and each heart reading Red Chair Moments. Hello to my new friends in:
Russia, Germany, France, Ukraine, Poland, United Kingdom, Canada (Eh!),
China, Romania, India, Indonesia, and Spain!
Dear friend, today I prayed specifically for you! I would love to hear what God is doing in your life and how I can pray specifically for you. I would love to put a name with a country. You can email me at redchairmoments@gmail.com.
Jesus said: “Go into all the world and preach the good news to everyone. Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. ” (Mark 16:15, NLT) Thank you for stopping in and sharing your day with me!
Posted by April D. White www.redchaimoments.blogspot.com
Connect with me email redchairmoments@gmail.com
Twitter @RedChairMoments