Today God spo
ke while I was cleaning the bathroom. Wait, don’t go. I promise this gets better.
In January 2015, I was given a tiny gift wrapped box as part of our Sunday school lesson. I placed the decorative box in our bathroom next to an orchid (I’m surprised is still living).
Recently, Andrew discovered the box. Shaking it he asked, “Mom, what’s in this?”
“Nothing, it’s just for decoration.” I replied.
“Why would someone wrap nothing?” he inquired.
I muttered something to him about it being part of a lesson and now I can’t remember what the lesson is about, but it reminds me of my friend, it’s pretty and I like it.
“Mom, if it’s wrapped it’s meant to be opened. I think you should open the box.”
I perched on the edge of the tub and examined the beautiful light weight box. Shaking it, I could hear something scrap the interior. Curious, I opened the box to find this note with words penned on three of the four corners. April with a drawn heart in one corner, John 8:36 in second corner, and the words “Victory in Jesus!” in the third corner.
“If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36, NIV)
Now I remember, this message was part of our “Freedom in Christ” study. What I didn’t know in January 2015, is that later that year I would develop odd symptoms and later be diagnosed with a rare neuromuscular disease.
Today I was praising God for the strength to clean the bathroom. This is why I need begin each day with my spiritual antenna switched to the ‘ON’ position. I believe our spiritual antennae are attached to the ‘helmet of salvation’ as described in the ‘full armor of God’ in Ephesians chapter six.
Sometimes God speaks through a pastor, a retreat, or in the quiet moments of life, but often God speaks to me in the everyday and mundane.
Even though my strength is weak, even though I am not as productive as before, I am thankful God meets me where I am, even in a mundane place. In my bathroom, hidden in plain view was a reminder that there is victory in Jesus and “It is well with my soul.”
~April Dawn White
Photos courtesy of author and Pixabay