I love Christmas music! Since I work inside a retail store, I am exposed to Christmas songs almost as soon as pumpkins are sold. Okay, perhaps that is an exaggeration, but at least early November. My heart is silenced by the quiet reverence of “Silent Night.” I feel a sense of awe and wonder in “O Holy Night,” especially when sung by a powerful voice.
I feel Mary’s humbleness in the lyrics of “Mary Did You Know.”
I laugh at the silliness of “I Wanna Hippopotamus for Christmas.”
But my favorite and I mean F-A-V-O-R-I-T-E Christmas song is “Little Drummer Boy.”
Come they told me,
A newborn King to see.
Our finest gifts we bring,
To lay before the King.
So to honor Him,
When we come.
I believe the story behind the Little Drummer Boy to be profound. When I hear this song it is easy to get caught up in the repetition of the pa rum pum pum pums and miss the message. This is why I wrote the lyrics without the repeating words.
Little Baby,
I am a poor boy too.
I have no gift to bring,
That’s fit to give our King.
Shall I play for you,
On my drum?
I am always convicted when I hear this song, even as I type and read those lyrics, warm tears stream down my face. I too have no gift to bring that’s fit to give our King. I wonder, in my daily routine (the pa rum pum pum pum’s of life) do I present my best for the newborn King?
Mary nodded,
The ox and lamb kept time.
I played my drum for Him.
I played my best for Him.
Then He smiled at me.
Me and my drum.
Dear Lord, in the daily repetition of life, don’t let me miss the message; to honor you with whatever I have, giving you my best! I long to see you smile at me.
“May you and I be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” Romans 1:12
– Little Drummer Boy was originally called Carol of the Drums
Lyrics by Katherine K. Davis 1958