I had a New Year’s queso mishap. I think I lost a powder-dipped fingernail in the queso. I made a queso dip for the kid’s NYE gathering. When I looked down while stirring the artery-clogging goodness and noticed a missing fingernail. It’s possible the nail popped off at the grocery store or in the shower, but I didn’t notice its absence until I stirred the queso dip.
Last year, I learned how to DIY powder dip manicures. In full disclosure, this was not because of COVID salon restrictions, but because I am cheap frugal. I mean, why spend boo-coos about of money on nails. I’d rather save the money and buy a shirt or shoes from TJMaxx.
The Trick is in the Set-Up
The trick to DIY dip manicures is the set-up. The set-up is crucial for a good foundation for the nail primer and powder coating to adhere. Skipping the proper set-up will cause the nails to pull-away or fall off during New Year’s queso mishap.
1) Cut cuticles
2) Buff the nails with a 180-grit nail file
3) Remove excess oil from nails with alcohol. (Not Pino, but rubbing alcohol.)
I skipped these steps because my cuticles look all right and I didn’t think it was crucial. But with a missing nail and a saucepan full of queso- I was wrong.
Why am I writing about a missing nail and a New Year’s queso mishap? Because it all about the set-up. How we set-up our morning and plan our day will determine our attitude, outlook, and whether or not we have fingernails in queso.
Will you join me in the New Year to try to avoid queso mishaps? It won’t always be easy. But if I have you to help hold me accountable we can do it together.
What is something you want to do this year? Read new authors, experiment with new recipes, focus on intentional relationships, create new crafts, or journal?
My Plan for 2021
This year, I am reading (or listening to) the Bible chronologically. By reading the Bible in order, I hope to gain a better understanding of the historical context and culture surrounding the events. I recommend the free YouVersion Bible App. You can choose a book of the Bible and the version, King James Version, NIV, etc. I am choosing the Message Translation (MSG). This app also has an audio feature, which I love.
If this interests you, here is a website: https://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-reading-plan/chronological.html .
Big News Flash!
Drumroll please…We have a book coming out this year. Destination Hope: A Travel Companion When Life Falls Apart will hit the bookshelves this spring. Will you join Marilyn Nutter (my co-writer) and me for the excitement? We created a private Destination Hope Facebook group. An interactive community designed to share hope in hard times and in daily living. Link arms with us and join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1837806079708594.
I don’t want you to experience the mystery of “Is there a fingernail in my queso?” So let’s join forces to make take one step at a time. Don’t worry, I’ve already stumbled by not finishing this letter before the start of the New Year. We’re not going to be hard on ourselves this year. Grace upon grace.
Add an 🖐💻👍 in the comments below if you will join me in the New Year without short cuts or mystery queso ingredients.
Hugs, hope, and queso,
April White
P.S. No one was harmed in my queso mishap.