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No Manna, But I am Amply Supplied

Rubbing the sl

eep from my eyes, I squint outside. Unable to see, I retrieve my glasses and return to the window. The situation is, as I suspected, no manna. It is just as well, manna is probably a starchy carbohydrate, which I cannot eat because it triggers a paralyzing attack. I lean back in my red chair and sip liquid mercy. I am thankful for the strength to raise the coffee mug to my lips.

“Quail, Lord. I can eat quail. You fed your people with oodles of quail.” The obvious lack of manna and request for quail is more than a desire to fill my tummy. Today is my first day of total dependence on God, my first day without a paycheck.

For the past forty years, my strong-willed, determined, and tenacious personality has gotten me this far. However,

I am now at a place where I cannot will myself out of paralysis and muscle weakness. I expected a full recovery within the twelve weeks of my short-term disability. I never imagined something like this to ravage my body so quickly and last this long.

The manna aka short-term disability income ran out.

Glancing down at my phone, I notice a missed call. I return the call and my friend apologizes for the early interruption.  She explains “April, I heard the song “I AM by David Crowder this morning on the radio, I feel like God wanted me to call you today to tell you whatever you need God says, I AM.” I share with my friend, that  today is the first day of truly walking by faith and not by sight. Her call was a divine appointment to encourage me today.

Whatever you need, God says, I AM. 

I AM is God’s n

ame. I AM is the way God Almighty introduced himself to Moses in the desert. The same I AM that provided manna and quail for His people for over forty years, is also providing for me.

The manna stopped the day after they ate this food from the [Promised] land; there was no longer any manna for the Israelites, but that year they ate of the produce of Canaan.” (Joshua 5:12)

Pulling from my Scripture, my friend’s phone call, and an online sermon, God reminds me that He provides a new supply of provision for each new season. The Israelites no longer needed to dine on manna and quail alone. God had delivered them to the land of abundance.

Whatever I need, God is I AM.

I AM                        .

I AM amply supplied.  (Philippians 4:18)

I trust the Lord for His unique provision in a new season of my life. New season equals new supply. I AM amply supplied and “it is well with my soul.”

If you are in a season void of manna, I encourage you to watch the sermon “He Took the Manna Off the Menu” by Steven Furtick.

P.S. I wrote this article a month ago, but it never felt the right time to share. Since then, my husband has been on strike with Verizon. Even after a month of no manna from any previous sources. I can say: God is good. He will supply all your needs, and I AM amply supplied.

~April Dawn White          

*All Scripture is NIV from Bible Gateway. *Images courtesy of Pixabay. © 2016 April Dawn White, All rights reserved


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