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One less Problem

Rachel and I zoom down the road, music blasting, and heads be-bopping to the rhythm. I love these days, just the two of us. Rachel, my ten-and-a-half-year-old disc jockey carefully selects another song. I’m not surprised when she chooses Pentatonix’s cover song Problem, by Ariana Grande.

The chorus of this song replays in my mind like a broken record.  But today, I hear this song in a whole new light. Rather than focusing on the song’s intended meaning, I hear this song as a warrior in God’s army looking Satan squarely in the eye and repeating the famous chorus.

I’m battling more than my health. When will I gain strength to return to work? What about our finances? Will need to move? Do I need a single story wheelchair accessible home?

What I don’t need is the Enemy getting all up in my business. The Enemy is trying to pry into my head, confuse theology, and warp truth.

I ask Rachel to reply the song. “Really?” her face brightens.

“Yes please.” I say. “Rachel, think of this song not as a boyfriend bugging you, but as the Enemy bugging you. Look at it from that perspective. This is not a Christian song, but it has significant spiritual application.”

Rachel drops her head and peers at me over top her glasses. “Mom, are you going to blog about this?”

A Cheshire cat grin spreads across my face. “You betcha!”

I tune out the lies of the Enemy and I tune into the voice of God, thus giving me one less problem to worry about.

“Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you.” (James 4:7-8, NIV)

Even though my troubles are many, I listen to God’s voice and “It is well with my soul.”

~April Dawn White

Photos courtesy of Author and


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