Today is our son’s 9th birthday! Although he has a small party planned with his friends in a few days, we wanted to do something special for him, on his birthday. Unfortunately, skating, bowling, and even the local arcade were closed. Oh the dilemma of having a birthday, on a Tuesday, in a small town, during the winter.
Fortunately, Dairy Queen was open and we savored our favorite ice cream. To the kids surprise the DQ had a video game corner. The money disappeared as quickly as the ice cream.
The birthday boy shifted his weight with excitement and eagerly asked, “Can I have more money?”
“I don’t have anymore more money for games,” replied his father.
Suddenly the eagerness disappeared, the meltdown began, and I’m not referring to my mint chocolate chip ice cream. Instantly, it did not matter to the birthday boy that he already tore open his family gifts at dinner, nor did it matter that a party with his friends is scheduled in a few days.
What mattered was his ungrateful attitude.
“In everything give thanks, for it is the will of Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18
In a moment of frustration, the husband blasted, “That’s it you can forget about having a 10th birthday!”
At home, the birthday boy quietly sobbed. Wrapping my arms around his tiny frame, I whispered, “What’s wrong?”
“Momma, I don’t want to be stuck at 9!”
As I rocked the birthday boy in my arms and my mind wandered.
“Heavenly Father, is this how you feel when we are ungrateful for all you have given us? Does our ungratefulness cause us to be stuck where we are?”
I believe it does.
I continued to rock the birthday boy. I explained if he chooses to be ungrateful, than he chooses to miss the blessings God has to give. We prayed, “Forgive me Lord, if I’ve been unappreciative, ungrateful, or possess a “Me, me, me” attitude. Amen.”
~ April Dawn White © 2012