This passage jumped off the page into my heart. It was as if God Himself, uncapped His holy highlighter drawing my eye to these much needed words of encouragement. Everywhere I turn, problems pile up like post vacation laundry. Unlike the laundry, these problems are all beyond my control. All I can do is wait and pray.
The image above are the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. Nestled inside the pocket of protection, I reside in the Blue Ridge Valley, more specifically, the Roanoke Valley. Whether I am driving to physical therapy, church, or to my children’s school these lovely mountains serve as my backdrop providing spectacular sunsets and protection from the elements.
Each time I see the mountains surrounding me I am reminded that He takes care of me on every side. My life rests safely in the palms of God’s hands to strengthen me and protect me and “It is well with my soul.”
~April Dawn White
*Images courtesy of Pixabay.
© 2016 April Dawn White, All rights reserved
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