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When God Shows Up Nothing Else Matters

“The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood.” (John 1:14, Message)

This week I cleaned out my car and found a “To Do” list dated two months ago.  Glancing at the list, I realized most of my listed tasks and concerns resolved without any effort on my part. Flipping the list over I read these words scribbled on the back:

Using the skills taught in pharmacy school to read physician handwriting, I tried to depicter my own hurried marks. Here’s what I could read:



God is in this season

This is not the way I had my life mapped out

Revealing the character of God

Remember and recall the details

Tell the story of what God did

I wish I could recall the podcast I was listening to that day. Even though I cannot recall the speaker, God’s voice is resonating with me today amidst of my current circumstances.

This is my prayer: “Jesus, thank you for taking on human form to align with my suffering. Thank you for moving in the neighborhood of Earth and of my heart.

Thank you for reminding me you are in THIS season. While this is not how I had my life mapped out; you have a provision already in place (A Ram in the Thicket).

Help me to have the patience to wait while you deliver the answers and provision I need. Thank you for revealing the trustworthy character of who you are; sovereign, good, faithful, and a perfect provider. Thank you for moving into the neighborhood of my life transforming my situation for your glory. Amen.”

What situation do you need to invite Jesus to move into the neighborhood of your life?

~April Dawn White

*Images courtesy of author and  Pixabay. © 2016 April Dawn White, All rights reserved


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